Dogs will eat anything as long as it looks edible. However, it does not mean that everything is safe for them to eat. Berries are still fruits. So, can pugs eat Blueberries?
Dogs are naturally omnivores. It does not matter if you give them meat, fruit, or vegetable. They will eat everything. As a dog-owner, if you are not careful enough, this might eventually lead to your dog’s demise.
However, we all don’t want that to happen. In this article, we will show you whether Pugs can eat Blueberries or not.
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Can Pugs Eat Blueberries?
Yes, absolutely! Your Pug can eat Blueberries! It is best given to them as a delectable treat and only in moderation.

Just take a look at the numbers: dogs and humans have been together for over 20,000 years already. And people have been eating blueberries for 13,000 years.
What does this imply? It simply means that humans must have figured out that blueberries are as safe to eat and as highly beneficial to our beloved companions as it is to us.
Best Anti-Oxidant
In Healthline’s Healthiest Fruits on the Planet, Blueberries placed in the Top 4 out of 20 fruits. Other sources even have it in number one. Why is it?
This is because blueberries are so rich in nutrients and minerals that make them a “superfood.” At the moment, there is no exact scientific definition for a superfood. However, it is generally accepted as having many health benefits and is closely linked to preventing diseases.
One of these benefits is antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that protect the body against free radicals. Free radicals break down cells over time and make the cells break down faster.
In fact, Blueberries are believed to have the highest antioxidant content found among fruits. According to a FRAP study, blueberries have as much as 9.2 mmol of antioxidants per 3.5 ounces of serving. In comparison, Strawberries, its closest competitor only has 5.4 mmol of antioxidants per 3.5 ounces
In other words, by feeding Blueberries to your dog, you highly increase his guard against diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Benefits of Blueberries For Pugs

Believe it or not, its rich antioxidant content is only the tip of the iceberg. Here are other benefits that Blueberries provide to your Pug.
- Vitamins: Vitamins A, C, and K can all be found in Blueberries. These vitamins work together to give your dog’s immune system a boost. They also help in reducing inflammation and give your dog healthier skin and a shinier coat.
On top of that, these vitamins also aid in muscle and nerve growth as well as increasing your dog’s bone density.
- Minerals: Blueberries are rich in Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, and Potassium. These minerals assist in bone development and aid the body in using vitamins and minerals more effectively and efficiently.
- Anthocyanins: If you are wondering what gives Blueberries their distinct bluish color, here’s your answer. Anthocyanins work with antioxidants to reduce any risk of heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer.
- Phytochemicals: Phytochemicals are compounds that are unique in plants. They are linked to numerous health benefits for both dogs and their human companions. In fact, studies have shown that this compound effectively fights cancer and reduces inflammation that is commonly associated with chronic diseases.
Read the full list of what can pugs eat to learn more.
How To Give Blueberries To Pugs?
There are three main ways to serve Blueberries to your Pug. There is a fourth one, where the berry is Frozen. This makes it more suitable during the summer when the weather is sweltering. However, this is best reserved for larger dogs as it poses a choking hazard for smaller breeds like the Pug.
- Fresh Blueberries are the first and foremost way of giving fruit to your dog. It is soft and chewy and does not pose as much as a choking risk.
- Mashed Blueberries are a terrific way to feed the fruit through their food bowl. It also works best if you combine it with other berries like Strawberries, Blackberries, or Raspberries to further increase its nutritional value.
- Pureed Blueberries can be mixed with yogurt to improve the health of your Dog’s gut.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is it safe to give Preserved Blueberries to my Pug?

As much as possible, only give fresh Blueberries to your Pug. Preserved Blueberries may contain sugary syrup and other kinds of chemicals that may be harmful to your dog.
That said, even if Blueberries are good for your Dog, you must also avoid giving any sweets or pastries that may have sugar in them. This includes muffins, pancakes, cookies, crackers, cheesecakes, Icecreams among many others.
To sum it up, Blueberries are good for Dogs when given fresh.
What is the 90/10 Rule for Treats?
The 90/10 rule refers to the ratio of calorie intake that dogs must receive from a certain food. The rule says that 90% of your dog’s calorie intake must come from complete and balanced dog food. This can simply be referred to as their main meal.
The remaining 10% then can be allocated to treats or any other snack. As we have said earlier, Blueberries should be categorized as snacks or treats. While they are highly nutritious, they should only be given occasionally while keeping the portions small.
What are the Side Effects of feeding Blueberries to Dogs?
To go straight to the point, there are still NO known side effects from feeding Blueberries to Pugs. However, the same caution should be applied to any other fruit and vegetable treats out there. Feeding too many Blueberries may cause gastric upset or diarrhea.
Blueberries are safe and highly nutritious for your Pug to eat. The fruit offers various health benefits and is crucial in keeping free radicals at bay thanks to its antioxidant contents. To add, they are also tasty and your dog will be extremely happy to receive them as treats.
However, if your pet displays any signs of sickness after eating, be sure to contact your most trusted Vet to prevent any unfortunate things from happening.